Launch your career as a sports agent under the wing of an industry veteran.

Enroll now in Sports Agent Academy

When your friends or family insist that they "love sports too," you nod in agreement, but know you have a much deeper passion inside.

You want to eat, sleep, and breathe sports - not as a rabid fan, but as a businessperson, as a professional.

You want to be an athlete's advocate and trusted advisor.

Time and time again you've been told that sports representation is an incredibly competitive business. Maybe you're at a point in your career where you've experienced that competition firsthand.

Wouldn't it be so much easier if you had someone who could show you the ropes?

I'm Jill McBride Baxter, a NFLPA Certified Contract Advisor for the last 30 years, and I'm here to help.

Who is Jill McBride Baxter?

Jill is a sports law attorney who has represented athletes, coaches, athletic directors, and media since 1988. She's a licensed attorney in Maryland, Arizona and Utah. Author of "Born to Be a Sports Agent," she also hosts a podcast called "Representation Without Taxation" and serves as the CEO of Academic Gameplan. She's the wife and daughter of Division I football coaches and the mother of two adult daughters.

Now she's sharing her in-depth knowledge of the industry with aspiring sports agents through Jill McBride Baxter's Sports Agent Academy.

Does this sound like you?

  • Whether you're 18 or 28, you're eager to pursue a career as a sports agent
  • You want to flatten the learning curve that comes with beginning a new career and avoid the common mistakes made by new agents
  • You keep encountering smoke screens in your quest for information, and just want specific, step-by-step instructions on how to get through your first year as a sports agent
  • You're looking for a highly experienced mentor in the sports representation business
  • You've struggled to find an internship, or found the internships you've had in the past to be little more than filing paperwork
  • You've already started your career as a sports agent, but have spent more money than you've earned, or otherwise feel your career sputtering out

You've come to the right place.

Jill offers detailed instructions on how to lay the foundation for a successful career and how to navigate through all the scenarios you'll encounter as an agent.

This is no 'birds eye view' of the business - her instruction is as definitive as it gets.

Wondering what you'll learn from Sports Agent Academy?

Here's the gameplan:

  • Plot out the academic credentials and various registrations and licenses you'll need to obtain before you can legally work as a sports agent
  • Develop a personal brand to advance your professional goals
  • Learn how much you can expect to earn as an agent - down to the dollars and cents
  • Budget all the expenses that come with the business
  • Take the guesswork out of identifying prospects
  • Set the timeline and strategy for recruiting and ultimately signing your client
  • Assist your client in organizing ahead of the draft
  • Navigate your client's pre-draft training
  • Market your client to key decision-makers at each team
  • Follow free agency
  • Understand what's going on behind the scenes during the NFL Draft
  • Negotiate - the when and how of getting a contract done
  • Conquer the CBA
  • Keep up with clients during their season
  • + A variety of bonus content!

You'll have lifetime access to the online video and information library, including any new information that gets added to the course

Now the final question: what does it cost?

Flexible payment option available!




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Get the online course, plus...

+ Jill's NIL Workshop - learn how to represent college athletes in the NIL space

+ Three 1-on-1 Coaching Calls

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Package - Monthly



Pay for the online course, NIL workshop, and three 1-on-1 coaching calls in three monthly payments.

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I know what you might be thinking...

"It's too expensive"

Honestly, you can't afford NOT to enroll in my Sports Agent Academy.

I have seen so many agents drop out of the business as victims of irresponsible financial decisions. Through Sports Agent Academy you will learn how to avoid the financial pitfalls that have swallowed so many agents whole, ending careers before they've ever really gotten off the ground.

You'll also drastically flatten the learning curve of the business, allowing you to start profiting much sooner than your peers - and earn back the investment you put into this course in no time!


"I've already taken a course on how to be a sports agent"

As an instructor, I offer information from a unique perspective that you really cannot get from anyone else.

For one, as a coach's wife and coach's daughter, I intimately understand the mind of a coach and thoroughly know all sides of this business. I also have more than 30 years in the business, more experience than nearly all of my peers. Over this time, I've developed an approach and process that is unique to me and has sustained my ability to stay in this business for so long.

I am also willing to offer more information about my process than my peers: I break down things down in careful detail, step by step, with videos, text, links, and downloadable attachments.


"I want an internship instead"

I promise you will learn just as much, if not more from my online course as you would in an internship. Your enrollment in my Academy can be put on a résume. And I'll be available to answer any questions you have about the business and offer advice over the course of your journey from the moment you enroll! 

I want to see you succeed!

At this point in my career, I'm more motivated than ever to pass on my knowledge and serve as a mentor for new agents. I created my Sports Agent Academy to assist as many people as possible in pursuing their dream of succeeding as a sports agent - including you.

Enroll in Jill McBride Baxter's Sports Agent Academy today!




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Get the online course, plus...

+ Jill's NIL Workshop - learn how to represent college athletes in the NIL space

+ Three 1-on-1 Coaching Calls

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"Sports Agent Academy was extremely helpful for me, especially as an aspiring NFL agent entering their first year of law school. This course not only assured me that I am going down the right path in attending law school, but also informed me about many things I did not know about becoming an agent. Jill McBride Baxter is clearly a knowledgeable veteran in the field of sports agency and shares her wealth of knowledge in this course. I learned about everything from how to identify prospects, to strategies for recruiting clients, to giving your clients the best chance to be drafted and have success in the league. Jill exemplifies her core values of protection, advocacy and trust and seems to want to represent professional athletes for all the right reasons. A refreshing change in a time when most sports agentsā€™ main concern seems to be money. I would recommend Jillā€™s course to anyone who is considering becoming a sports agent or even someone just starting out in the field."

Daniel D.
University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2022

"I first came into the Sports Agenct Academy to learn about the industry as I am currently a first year student at the University of Florida. I wanted to learn about every aspect of the industry and Jill provided lots of information to teach me an overall basis of the industry. She acts as a mentor to me as I can come to Jill for any questions and advice. It has been beneficial to me as I am now aware of a lot of the requirements and costs that it takes to be an agent. My main reason for enrolling was to become educated with the industry and take part in a mentorship that can last a lifetime. "

Austin F.
University of Florida M.S. Sports Management Student