Hey Coach, Do You Need an Agent?
A free webinar hosted by veteran sports agent Jill McBride Baxter to guide coaches through the three questions they need to ask themselves when deciding whether hiring representation is right for them.
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Who is Jill McBride Baxter?
Jill is a sports law attorney who has represented coaches, athletic directors, media, and NFL players since 1988. She's a licensed attorney in Maryland, Arizona and Utah. A published author of "Born to Be a Sports Agent," she also hosts a podcast called "Representation Without Taxation" and serves as the CEO of Academic Gameplan. She's the wife and daughter of Division I football coaches and the mother of two adult daughters.

What clients say about Jill

Sandy Barbour, VP of Intercollegiate Athletics, Penn State
“Jill is a trusted advisor and confidant. She’s extremely intelligent and has always represented her clients with the utmost care and professionalism.”

Marquice Williams, Assistant Special Teams Coach, Detroit Lions
"I wouldn’t have been able to make the jump from an assistant coach at South Dakota to the NFL without Jill. She’s smart, tough and everyone in the NFL respects her."